At Quilpie State College all students in years 4 to 10 have the opportunity to take on the role of a leader and the responsibilities that come with it. Leadership does not come naturally but is developed through many activities and lessons they are involved in not only at school but in our everyday lives.
In Term 4 students can nominate for leadership positions. In so doing they agree to uphold our school-wide expectations and are committed to fulfilling the obligations of their positions. To be nominated for a leadership position students must have the support of their parents/ carers. Through this support parents/carers are agreeing to ensure that their child is attending school every day, in full school uniform and is actively participating in all school and community events.
Following their successful nomination students write and present a speech outlining the reasons they are applying for a leadership position. This speech is presented to their peers and school staff as part of a democratic election process.
Once successful the student council is normed. It is comprised of a group of student leaders who work with a staff member to collaborate with others in order to positively impact their school, their community- the Quilpie Shire and their nation. Student council achieves this through student council school improvement initiatives, representation and participation in community events and fundraising activities supporting a variety of charities.